
Anti Ragging & Squad

Anti Ragging Committee

Ragging is a criminal offense. Ragging is strictly prohibited by both State Govt. and Central Govt. Punishment for ragging will be as follows:

  • (i) Imprisonment up to three years and fine of Rs.50,000/-
  • (ii) Dismissal from the college

It is the duty of Anti-Ragging Committee to ensure compliance with the provisions of these Regulations [3] as well as the provisions of any law for the time being in force concerning ragging and also to monitor and oversee the performance in prevention of ragging in the institution.

On receipt of the recommendation of the Anti Ragging Squad or on receipt of any information concerning any reported incident of ragging, the Head of institution shall immediately determine if a case under the penal laws is made out and if so, either on his own or through a member of the Anti-Ragging Committee authorized by him in this behalf, proceed to file a first information report (FIR) with the police/ local authorities and/or order for enquiry to ascertain the facts and/or take suitable action against the concerned student(s) with or without due deliberations in Anti-Ragging committee meeting, Head of the institution, as chairman of the Anti-Ragging committee, may call for the meeting of all the members of the Anti-Ragging committee to deliberate on action to be taken in case of any case of ragging being reported, within twenty four hours of receipt of such information or recommendation.

Provided further that the institution shall also continue with its own enquiry initiated under clause 9 of these Regulations and other measures and such remedial action in clause 9 shall be initiated and completed immediately and in no case later than a period of seven days of the reported occurrence of the incident of ragging.

It is the duty of Anti-Ragging Committee to conduct an enquiry into any incident of ragging referred to it by the Head of the institution or on receipt of any information concerning any reported incident of ragging; and the enquiry report along with recommendations shall be submitted to the Head of the institution for action under clause (a) of Regulation 9.1.

Provided that the Anti ragging committee shall conduct such enquiry observing a fair and transparent procedure and the principles of natural justice and after giving adequate opportunity to the student or students accused of ragging and other witnesses to place before it the facts, documents and views concerning the incident of ragging, and considering such other relevant information as may be required.

Anti Ragging Committee

S.No Name Category Present Designation
1 Dr. A. RAMESH Chairman Principal
2 Dr. R. BALAMURALI Senior Member Professor, Dept. of ECE
3 Dr. P. GURUSAMY Senior Member Professor, Dept. of MECH
4 Dr. B. SUNDARAMBAL Senior Member Professor, Dept. of CSBS
5 Mr. R. RAMESH Member Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE
7 Mr. R. RAGHURAMAN Member Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE
8 Mr. M. MURUGALINGAM Member Assistant Professor, Dept. of CIVIL
9 Mr. G. KANNAN Member Assistant Professor, Dept. of MECH
10 Mr. K. VIKRAM Member Assistant Professor, Dept. of S & H
11 Mr. G. SENTHILKUMAR Member Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE
12 Dr. R.SANKAR Member Professor, Dept. of EEE
13 Mr. T.SAMPATH Member Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE
14 Mr. P. RAJINIKANTH Member Physical Education
15 Mr. K. KISHORE Member Representative of student
16 Ms. A. SWETHA Member Representative of student
17 Ms. R. DINESH Member Representative of student
18 Mr. R. SRUTHI Member Representative of student
19 Mr. A. SEENIVASAGAN Member Parent
20 Mr. K. Vijayakumar Member Parent

Anti Ragging Squad


Anti-Ragging Squad Committee
S.No Name Position Designation Email Id Contact No
1 Dr.A.Ramesh Chairman Principal principal@citchennai.net 8939917090
2 Mr. R.Ramesh Member Associate Professor / CSE rameshr@citchennai.net 8939917087
3 Dr.R.Menaka Member Professor & Head / ECE menakar@citchennai.net 8825934243
4 Mr.G.K.Kannan Member AP / MECH kannangk@citchennai.net 9944570084
5 Mr. M. D. Vijayakumar Member Asso.P/MECH vijayakumarmd@citchennai.net 9994473738
6 Mrs. N. Archana Member AP/ECE archanan@citchennai.net 9994519602
7 Mr. T. Vinoth Member AP/MCT vinotht@citchennai.net 9894957603
8 Mrs. M. S. Malarselvi Member AP/S&H malarselvims@citchennai.net 9788524400
9 Mr.C. Hariharasudan Member AP/CIVIL harihasudanc@citchennai.net 9566213154

Admission 2024