- Pratham 3.0 FDM-based 3D-printer
- Shimadzu Vickers Micro Hardness Tester- Japan Make
- Metji-V Metallurgical Microscope
- Polymer based Filament Extruder
- Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Machine
- Creality 3D-printer
- Equipped with high configuration workstations with research version of Simulia Abaqus and Ansys software with unlimited features to solve any real time problems.
- Special software such as FeSafe, Tosca and Insight are also available to carry out Fatigue Analysis, Topological Optimization and Design of Experiments respectively.
- Area of Research
- Research Supervisors
- Research Supervisors-Mech
- Research Supervisors-BME
- Research Supervisors-Civil
- Research Supervisors-EEE
- Research Supervisors-ECE
- Research Supervisors-CSE
- Research Supervisors-AI & DS
- Research Supervisors-Mechatronics
- Research Supervisors-CSBS
- Research Supervisors-IT
- Research Supervisors-S and H
- Research Supervisors-Cybersecurity
- Research Supervisors-Aritificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Patents
- Future Plans
- Research Publications
- New Products / Process Developed
- Centre for Artificial Intelligence& Research(CAIR)
- Centre for System Design (CSD)
- Centre for Non Linear Systems (CNS)
- Centre for Perpetual Mechanics
- Centre for Material Research(CMR)
- Center for Energy (Solar & Wind) & Research
- Centre for Additive Manufacturing
- Center for Defense and Space Research
- Centre for Sustainable Materials and Surface Metamorphosis (CSMSM)