Title: Efficient Flood Forecasting System using Machine Learning for Smart Cities
Technological advancements in various sectors have led to heavy urbanization, with the cities being converted into smart cities. At the same time, poor planning during this conversion has thrown many loopholes in the flood management system of these cities. In the wake of heavy rainfall or even moderate rainfall, the towns become waterlogged. Many parts of the places get temporarily disconnected, leading to the cities’ loss of property and assets. This damage necessitates the need for predicting the floods accurately by considering all the atmospheric conditions, the terrain type of the city and the hydrological cycle of the particular city under consideration. The existing system in predicting floods stands inefficient due to the lack of specific parameters not beingmodelled in predicting the floods. This work aims to incorporate the atmospheric conditions, the terrain type of the city to bring into the picture the effect of water catchment areas in the wake of heavy rainfall and the usual hydrological cycle parameters. Thus, the work will be modelled using machine learning algorithms and a more precise Random Forest algorithm to create the prediction system. Using such combination of parameters will permit the city manager to get ready with preventive measures and prevent the damages before it gets destructive. This work will focus on modelling the parameters mentioned aboveand other machine learning algorithms such as SVM (Support Vector Machines) and K nearest neighbour to study and categorize the efficiency of these algorithms. This proposed work aims to create an efficient flood forecasting system with the help of these machine learning algorithms to improve the accuracy in predicting floods, thereby reducing the severe damages caused by the floods.
Team Members
Mr. Dinesh Dinakaran Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Team Leader |
Ms.B. Krithika II Year CSE Team Member |
Ms.R. Neela Siva Tharsini II Year CSE Team Member |
Ms.B.Akshaya II Year CSE Team Member |
Mr. Ela Tejeshwar II Year CSE Team Member |
Mr.K.S.NithishHariharan II Year CSE Team Member |
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- Research Supervisors-Aritificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
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